Bouncing Back: Building an Emotionally Strong Culture in an Age of Burnout

Sep 19, 2024 - 11:30 AM (ET) - Downtown Market, 435 Ionia SW, Grand Rapids, MI 49503
Hosted by Western Michigan, Grand Rapids, MI

About this Event


Featured Speakers

Josh Zoerhof 

Creator of the Fearless Corporate Chaplaincy

Josh is a pastor, Bible teacher and counselor in West Michigan. He is passionate about creativity, whole-hearted living, justice and the Kingdom of God connecting with every day life. Josh and his wife Kristi, a first grade teacher, live in Hamilton with their son Pike! When he's not "on the clock" Josh is probably watching Star Wars, Super Hero Movies, Playing World of Warcraft and/or smoking brisket or pork shoulder.


Members: $30.00
Non-members: $30.00

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