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Meet Jen Haub

CFMA member and Certified Construction Financial Industry Professional (CCIFP), Jen Haub, started a new job as Skender's Assistant Controller but she found time to sit down with us and answer a few questions so we could get to know her better! Take a look: 

Q: How did you get into accounting? 
A: My uncle was one of the coolest guys I knew when I was a kid, and he was a CPA. Having no idea what that really meant I decided that's what I was going to be when I grew up. After taking an introductory course in high school I realized I really did enjoy accounting and the rest is history!

Q: What career advice would you give to your 18-year-old self? 
A: It's ok to not have everything figured out, and you need to remain open to opportunities presented to you. There are not many CFMs I know that had a plan to one day be a CFM. But here we are in an exciting industry, and in this fabulous organization!

Q: When did you become a CFMA member? 
A: I officially joined CFMA in 2009, and my first national CFMA conference was in Hawaii!

Q: What do you do to unwind from work? 
A: Travel! Anything from a weekend getaway with friends to a trip overseas.

Q: What’s your guilty pleasure? 
A: Reality tv shows – everything from cooking/baking competitions on the Food Network to flipping houses on HGTV to relationship dramas on TLC and Lifetime!

Q: What’s your favorite holiday to celebrate? 
A: Thanksgiving – taking time to reflect and be grateful for the blessings in my life while surrounded by family and delicious food!

Q: Where did you grow up at? 
A: I grew up on a farm about two hours west of Chicago, and most of my family still lives in that area. I'm lucky to be able to visit on a regular basis. Autumn is my favorite season, and there's nothing better than the crisp autumn air on the farm with the scent that can only be described as "harvest."

Q: What was your first job? 
A: Dairy Queen! I had so much fun working with my high school friends.

Q: Do you have any regrets? 
A: There may times in my life that I don't necessarily look upon fondly, but everything I've gone through has shaped who I am today so I can't say I regret any of it.

Q: What is something you can never over-invest in? 
A: Relationships, whether personal or professional, are essential. I feel rejuvenated when I'm able to spend time with the people in my life that are truly good for the soul. You never know how a few kind words or time spent with another person may positively impact that person (and you!) – so go ahead and over-invest!